MOVING to SPAIN (Part 3)

Here you can read personal stories and experiences, written by our resident blogger Alina. Formerly a customer of La Taha, now living in Spain herself.

Part 3 of her story series – written in December 2021, moving to Spain.

Every day a piece of garden around the casa is tackled. After some good tips, I manage to prune at least the ‘little stuff’. The garden tools are also expanding and we have purchased a real wheelbarrow! The color alone makes the work lighter; it is bright yellow 🙂

The big jobs will be outsourced to a real gardener in a few weeks. Among all the weeds there is already a lot of beauty! The grounds just need some extra love, attention and especially water to bloom and grow again.


We have a (probably permanent) guest around the casa! A stubborn but very affectionate cat. We don’t know the gender yet. After testing and ignoring him/her, fate decided that he/she was to come back after a few days. An extra responsibility and a cost, but oh well, at least one less animal on the streets.


My daily routine, removing weeds from the garden. This goes, carried in very full bags, on the now huge pile of garden waste that will set on fire in due course. During the walk to the waste mountain on our land, I always pass a number of Algarrobo trees. Also known as the carob tree.

In addition to the olive tree, the Algorobbo is another primeval tree that determines the look of the valley here. The tree is therefore protected, pruning is allowed, felling is not. The tree is known for its brown, leathery legume. These are edible for humans and animals and the small beans they contain are a raw material for flour etc. and suitable for medicinal applications.

So we are very happy with these characteristic trees on the land.

Oh, and the renovation of the casa has also started!

Kitchen and bathrooms are going to be replaced. After that the terrace around the pool will be fixed up. Quite a job. But just like the garden, the casa also lacked maintenance. It is therefore time for new attention and energy so that the casa can sparkle again!

Alina lives in Alora!

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