In the context of giving is better than receiving, I have chosen to support a Spanish charity every year with La Taha. 2022 will be dedicated to the donkey sanctuary in Fuente de Piedra, Refugio del Burrito.

The Refugio del Burrito website reads, “Our mission is to promote the welfare of donkeys and mules in Spain. Our commitment is to provide assistance and/or a permanent refuge to any donkey or mule that, due to abandonment, illness, cruelty or any other reason, requires assistance.

We conduct investigations and campaigns to end the cruelty, poor or unnatural treatment that these animals unfortunately continue to endure. We make owners, veterinarians, farriers and other professionals or associations that deal with these animals aware of the correct way to care for donkeys and mules. We are working for a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering and their contribution to humanity is fully appreciated.

We also investigate cases of abuse or neglect, or any public charges involving donkeys and mules. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing animal welfare laws and the promotion of awareness campaigns and education about responsible ownership and expert care.”

About ten years ago I accidentally ended up at the shelter. On holiday in Andalusia, looking for a way to spend the day, my husband and I drove to Fuente de Piedra, a town known because of its lake as a resting place for flamingos during their migration to Africa. We were a little late this year, most of them had already flown out. Disappointed, and a few photos of a single flamingo later, we returned ‘home’. A sign with a picture of a donkey by the side of the road made us curious, so we decided to take the exit. At the end of the dirt road, the sound of braying donkeys met us, a real treat for an animal lover like me. After a tour and shedding a tear several times when hearing, reading – and seeing the scars of – the most terrible stories, my heart was forever lost to this shelter.

Therefore, in the context of corporate social responsibility, at the end of this year I will donate 1% of the 2022 turnover to this fantastic shelter.

Would you like to visit the Refugio del Burrito yourself? Check the website and plan your visit. A very nice outing for young and old.

Have fun, Naomi

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